As I mentioned , I am now in a different shelter ~ As an older/let's f*****g say " crippled "
~ man I am on the first floor .
I spend so much time indoors that I get flashbulbed/nonaccustomed to the light when I go outside .
I get given s**t about my bad foot and my coughing , they try to push me to go back to the hospital ~ It lets me watch TCM , yes l but being in the hospital seems to not make me get much better , walking-wise ~ And you will recall my having to collapse for support against a wll after not too many steps whenever I walk
You will also recall the doctor at least posing the idea/possibility of me being dead in less than a year , from my kidneys , etc. , if things do not improve
This also puts the attempting going-to-CCSF-to-try-and-prepare-a-" real " college run
idea , at the very least , on the back burner (though there's still some questions I want answered) . And , my sh***y HS office is claiming theydon't have my school records