I like art, country walks and taking photos too, have you ever heard of process art? Where the end product is not the aim.
Set a timer for 3 minutes and just start writing. Just like in process-painting there isn’t a right or wrong way to do it. If it doesn’t make sense, perfect. Just write whatever comes to mind. Do this as much or as little as feels right for you.
If I knew I couldn’t get it wrong I would…..?
If I truly believed in myself I would…?
If I didn’t care what________thought, I would….?
What have I resisted today?
If I wasn’t afraid I would?
Doodle. It seems extremely basic but doodling can drop us down into our heart space just as process-painting can and you can do it just about anywhere. Get elaborate with your doodles using colored pencils, magic markers and crayons or keep it simple using just one pen. The trick is not to get hung up on where you are going. Trust whatever happens without erasing anything.Just doodle and let the images create themselves. Also, just scribbling can be really amazing too.
Work with your hands. A few weeks ago one of our dear painters brought in some tiny playdough tubs. It’s now a mainstay at the studio gathering table and is part of our closing circle. Plus, the smell can transport you right back to being a kid. Hey, you could write about that!
Dance by yourself to some of your favorite music. Even if it’s just 3 minutes, it can change the entire trajectory of your day.
I use this technique for warming up when I haven't drawn anything for a while.
A scribble can become almost anything, I liked this example
Or this