I made this new account because it was wrong to make my username my own email address. I did it in hopes that someone would contact me for a full conversation. I can't find any autism chat room, only more forums and blogs. I tried the autism speaks website, which got me put on more mailing lists. I can block hundreds of mailing lists on my outlook, which doesn't change the fact that I still need to find someone, anyone, in my area who knows about autism.
I've tried shrinks. Good luck even getting an appointment, especially in my area.
Or being labeled as a "frequent flyer," if you know what I mean.
I even spent three days in a mental care unit last year, and still had to leave my job because I was unable to take care of the workforce bullying going on there. Even though I was only a dishwasher, and the management constantly told me that I was right, that it was unfair, and that they didn't know what to do.
I was about to press charges against one of the bullies, but the owner pressured me not to because he has a daughter and is supporting her on his own. I cared too much for the daughter, and dropped the charges, which disgusted the attorney. The result of this was that I had to leave the job without notice, in order to avoid violence, and re-opening the case.
My family was able to cancel my lease, and I fled the city of Birmingham to come live in Montgomery with my mother, and it seems this environment is more tolerant. But I am still having extreme difficulty finding a job because all of it is done online now, and as I've illustrated, I have huge problems navigating websites. I just can't seem to click on the right thing, and I can't seem to take care of the malware and the lag (aka slowness) of a website.
Malwarebytes did nothing, and Kaspersky did nothing. Even then, I guess this just looks like more whining and complaining. So, I have no idea what to do, or where to turn. At least I found some kind of tolerance on this website. The only option left is to, once again, check myself into the emergency department and seek entry into the mental care unit. This time I will stay for much longer than three days, as I have no obligations to keep me from doing so.