Next Wednesday some of the staff are on a fire training thing during their shift. I'm not on it, so I'll just come into work as normal, but when there's fire training going on in the building, they set off all the alarms at least twice in the day (as part of the fire training), and you don't know when it's going to go off. The fire alarms generally don't bother me if it goes off completely unexpected or when we have our weekly fire test at a certain time, but when you know it's going to go off at some point but you don't know when, it makes me jump more, from the anticipation of it.
The fire trainor doesn't have a planned time to set it off either. I know it's important to know how to raise the alarm and stuff, but we have our weekly fire alarm test, so I don't see the need to have to keep setting it off during fire training as well, as it is a busy place and the alarms going off can be distracting to the rest of the workers.
What shall I do to get through this day as comfortably as possible? I don't want to wear earplugs because people might see, and I don't want people to know that I'm afraid of the fire alarms.