I went and looked at your posts. You seem to have a lot of responses to almost all of them. One has close to thirty in it. Granted, the last one before this has zero, but all in all, you do seem to have a lot of replies overall.
Sometimes people post and it gets a lot of responses, other times people get maybe one or two or none at all. It likely has nothing to do with settings, more like a hit or miss thing. It can be hard to say what types of posts will or will not get responses... but I think that posts that have a specific, to the point question tend to get more active participants than ones that are not very clear. In your one post that had no replies, when I read it I was not really sure what you were looking for in a response so had I seen it when you first posted it I would have not likely responded. Nothing personal, I just would not have understood what you wanted and figured maybe you just wanted to vent and were not really after a reply. Also, not sure what time you posted that but time could be a factor as well. Plus this forum has people from all over the place so time zones do not always match up and sometimes you just have to wait awhile before someone responds. Then to, it has been kinda more quiet than normal here. Not sure what's up with that, but it has not been as busy the last few days... at least when I drop in there seems to be reduced activity.
"...don't ask me why it's just the nature of my groove..."