I am training to be a Leader for a cubs group in South London.
I went to a camp on bank holiday weekend to help out.
There were 1,200 kids (beavers, cubs, scouts, brownies and guides), but I spent a lot of time away from the noise.
However, the other leaders in my pack treated me like rubbish.
They did not understand my AS.
They thought that I was useless, not independent and slow-witted.
I couldn't remember where anything was stored, so when they asked me "get the cups", I couldn't remember where to find them.
There were WAY TOO MANY surprises, NOTHING was kept to schedule.
I often had to run to the forest and panic attack in private.
It was horrible.
I went to the cubs group last Thursday, as normal, and the leaders barely talked to me.
But one good thing is that the kids really enjoy my company.
I am a partially verbal classic autistic. I am a pharmacology student with full time support.