Well, guess what, I am old. I'm also that hunched over older person with disabilities who sometimes needs help getting into a building or her car.
I fear getting robbed if I'm alone in public, and like all of us, I worry about having enough money to be comfortable in old age.
But the thing about disabilities is, everyone gets something as they age, unless they die young. The common joke among us elderly is, "Getting old is awful . . . but it beats the alternative." I am old enough to have several people of my acquaintance die from disease (mostly cancer). Then here am I, infirm, but alive and (weakly) kicking.
I don't take life for granted, in fact I treasure every minute of it. My husband is a decade and a half older than me, and has a neurodegenerative illness that in time will take him, if something else like heart disease doesn't take him first. But for now, he is more physically able than I am, and I am more mentally able than he is. We try to be kind and thoughtful and we use our mutually compensating abilities to overcome our disabilities. It's a beautiful thing.
I retired this year, and my husband and I participate actively in a senior center. I am finding people there are very accepting and supportive. We are all impaired, aging people trying to make life better for other impaired, aging people. And you know what? Recent studies have found - contrary to researchers' expectations - that elderly people are actually happier than any other age group! Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
A finger in every pie.