That's probably a terrible way to phrase it, but is it possible? I definitely have Aspergers. I may forget about it now and then, but if you're around me you'll see it. That said, when I'm around other aspies it always seems like I don't have it as bad as they do. My ex girlfriend, for example, who I broke up with last month had it, and at first I thought that would help us connect better. Instead, she didn't get any of my jokes, she sucked at conversation, and anytime I so much as touched her she acted like I was molesting her. I hear that aspies have a hard time understanding sarcasm because they take everything literally, but I've never had that problem and I use it on a regular basis. I still have issues socializing, hate being touched, and don't like being in crowds, but it's never to the point where I'm literally afraid of all this like I've seen other aspies be. So what do you think, am I "less" of an aspie than other aspies?
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