Coconut oil, olive oil, lard. Glysomed I've heard is good for a non-food moisturizer, working in fast food where hand washing multiple times an hour was required (moving from food prep to handling money and back) it was the go-to moisturizer.
I don't use moisturizer regularly, but when I have I find it dries me out more than helps. I suspect this is due to the crapload of chemicals that are seeping into my body.
As to ways to get you to stop compulsively washing your hands, that requires a hell of a lot more information than 'I do this thing'. You'd need to figure out why you do it. OCD things are generally about reducing anxiety. Attempting to stop doing the OCD thing out of willpower usually results in more anxiety which then heightens the OCD. Anxiety is a fear-based emotion, the only way you're going to stop the action is by channeling something positive that makes you feel good. Usually people try all sorts of techniques to feel good then get more frustrated because it's still not working, the frustration increases anxiety also. It's about finding inner peace.
Not autistic, I think
Prone to depression
Have celiac disease
Poor motivation