Please don't hate your 4 year old self -- you were four!! That is a very, very young child, and all your behaviors were a direct result of your autism. That's not something you can help, especially not at the age of 4.
Everything you list are symptoms of autism (which you later were diagnosed with). You wouldn't hate a person for trembling, having anger outbursts, changes of personality and walking strangely if they had Parkinsons, would you? You would be compassionate and sorry for their difficulties.
Try to apply the same compassion to your 4 yr old self; that was a little girl with autism, and nobody around her even knew that, least of all herself. Think of that little girl. How hard her little life must have seemed to her! Doing and feeling these things that even she couldn't figure out the 'why' of.
Give that little girl a big warm hug in spirit. Feel sorry for her struggles; it couldn't have been much fun being her in a world where nobody even came forward, identified her situation, and then helped her -- not for years to come, anyway. There's a reason for that too -- it was the early 90s and Asperger's and high functioning autism still wasn't on a lot of people's radar, not even the professionals'.
Try to love the little girl you were and remember she was misunderstood even by herself, and now that you know what was really going on, YOU can understand her properly.