LyraLuthTinu wrote:
That self-defeatist attitude will get you nowhere. If you talk yourself out of trying all the time like that you really are doomed to be forever alone; but it's because you won't take a chance, not because you're a horrible person. Probably there is someone out there who will love you, but if you're afraid to ask them because you think being with you would be a fate worse than death you will never find out.
So ask her.
We're waiting to see how it turns out.
That thread about how bad aspie men are really got to me. I've never been in a relationship so will I suddenly change like they say and not want love and to be touched?
We don't always work same days or shifts. I saw her today as she left but she was on phone and kinda upset. In order to ask again if I should(see above post) I'd need to get her alone again. I'm super anxious and shy around women even more so around ones I have a crush on. I can't ask when she's around other coworkers and people I just can't I freeze up
There's another woman who confuse the heck out of me. Why do she stop and talk to me 0.o most just ignore me or give me mean stares.