As if my week could get any more bizarrely sh***y...I've already posted here about the bullying guy. And now this.
I think I just got away from someone who was thinking of mugging me on my way home from grocery shopping.
It was after dark and there is a quiet footpath and cycle path that I normally avoid using after dark, but I just thought what the hell tonight.
Until someone who passed me going in the same direction then was standing, just standing in the path up ahead, not on his phone, nothing, just waiting and facing me.
I turned around and headed back in the direction I'd come from, and which he had also come from, originally.
I saw him behind and started running. I ran across a trafficky intersection to a crossing island. The guy ran up to the spot I'd crossed from and looked around.
I was hiding behind some flower boxes mounted on the iron railing around the traffic island. He didn't look over this side. He looked around on that side of the street, then turned and went back again in the direction he and I had both been going.
I've already had a horrible week and now I'm knocking back a beer I had already bought, as fast as I can, on an empty stomach, to hit me harder --- I don't drink. So it's working.
I know there are worse things happening in this world and it's horrible, but my own week, in just smaller ways, has been so messed-up I just want to blot things out.
I feel like I wish I just could never have to leave my apartment again. Ever. I just can't deal with the silly damn s**t that is happening to me lately. I'm sick of everything.
I honestly think this guy was figuring he might try to mug me. It's a deserted pathway away from crowds. But it's my preferred route because it's quiet. Aspie sensory issues! Nearly got me mugged for my preferences....I'm glad nothing happened but only because I ran back the other way. I don't see what else he was thinking of. I think I just narrowly escaped something happening.
The funny thing is I never carry anything worth stealing! My phone cost £14. I only carry a few £ of cash. I have nothing.
Okay I'm getting hit by this beer now. I'm not used to it. I just want to not think about anything anymore.