redbrick1 wrote:
domino wrote:
redbrick1 wrote:
domino wrote:
deafghost52 wrote:
Like your quote - AA/Alanon, I take it?
Yeah I have 2 good friends who are in NA, I'm just a supporter
I have been clean and sober for two years.
Good to see you. Have friends, why lonely?
I suspect it's because I don't try to talk to anyone.
Well you are trying now?
How are you?
I find it hard to create small talk, even online it comes out awkward and strange but it that seems to be the best way to talk to people.
How long have you been on this site?
Has it worked helping you meet other people?
Well I suppose now's a good time to try
I'm pretty good and you?
I've been on herefor a few years, but just just got back and it did when I got on back in 2011
God, grant me the serenity, to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. -The Serenity Prayer