I don't know how I feel about something someone I know is doing to me lately.
This person is an acquaintance not even a friend. It's someone who walks their dog in the parklands I visit, and we don't even know much about each other. Just first names, general area we live in, nothing more. We stop to chat about local topics and animals.
He is a friendly guy and I honestly don't think he has a mean bone in his body. I already know he doesn't mean actual insult. I know that he seems to like me as a person and he would never do or say something hurtful.
So am I being too "politically correct" to feel offended that he has started teasing me lately during a chat, with things like "Yeah because you're mental, hahaha!" "Well that's because you're a nutter, hahaha!" "This bloke I know, he went off the rails and lost his mind cause he's not quite sane -- you know, like you, hahaha!"
He doesn't know anything about me, not about my ASD, not about the breakdown I had arising directly from my life falling apart a few years ago in a way that would devastate even someone without an ASD. He doesn't know that I DO actually have vulnerable mental health as I'm still trying to struggle with my depression, PTSD and anxiety.
All he knows of me is that I'm eccentric in my love of animals and that I've shown I hold strong opinions when something locally has caused devastation to wildlife (we've had some terrible events here this year).
I don't think I've shown any particular mental instability around him except to be upset about the wildlife tragedy we all had here which, it's important to note, he feels strongly about too.. He's a wildlife lover too so it's not like he doesn't "get" me in that aspect.
I want to also say that I do realize close friends "tease" each other all the time. Friends, family, loved ones, a partner -- I do know that when people like and love each other and feel very close with each other they say "insults" to each other as a form of fun.
I get that people who don't mean anything bad say stuff like this as a way to have fun with each other.
It's just that:
A) I've never liked that form of playful banter
B) This guy is not even a close enough friend to say stuff like this. It's REALLY "close friend" banter is it not?
He's now doing in EVERY chat. We only run into each other randomly but it's at least three times a week on average, and now, EVERY chat, however short, even if the conversation has nothing to do with mental health, this guy shoe-horns into the conversation "Yeah because you're a nut job."
It hits a nerve because, well YEAH I have been diagnosed with not just ASD but depression and anxiety disorder wtih panic attacks.
Also, when I was a child, family members would say these things to me and not in a joking way; it was seriously said when nobody knew what was wrong with me (I got diagnosed in my 50s). My own mother, at the height of anger and fury at me for melting down or having sensory issues, would threaten to have me "taken away to the mental hospital." She wasn't teasing. I'm talking about screaming and shouting and crying, both me and her. Family drama stuff, not jokey teasing.
So I really don't like this being used even in humor -- especially in humor actually. It's not f*****g funny to me.
I've battled mental health issues pretty much all my life largely concerning crippling depression, let alone my sensory issues and ASD related problems.
So I don't know if you guys can relate but it's not all that surprising that even a "friendly" tease of being insane or lunatic or "mental" or a nutter actually pushes a button with me, is a sore point, hits a nerve. It's not funny or amusing to me.
Am I being oversensitive? I don't feel like I am because this guy is practically a stranger. I don't feel like he's even earned the right to tease because it's something reserved for REAAALLLLLLLY CLOSE people in my book. And even then I never liked it from them either.
How do you feel if someone keeps ribbing you with this stuff? He introduces it randomly. It's not even in response to a joke I've told, like "Oh you're so insane, haha!"
It's just right in the middle of talking about completely random things. I'm getting pissed off with it.