If that was the case, we would be neurotypicals, and the NTs would be the ones with some sort of non-NT disorder, and I don't know about the allistic-but-not-NT conditions.
I do often like to imagine what the world would be if walking around flapping hands was the norm, and everybody just talked about their narrow interests, and communication between humans was different. I know there would still be lots of communication between people, because being Aspie does not mean we don't ever interact, but I think the subtle social rules would be different and less valued.
But I am talking about if the majority of humans were high-functioning and verbal Aspies. I'm not sure what life would be like if the majority were low-functioning non-verbal autistics, but I think there would still be intelligent human life on the planet, just all done in a different way.
I think any neurological state would still make up a fully functioning world. I mean, the dinosaurs lived for millions of years and all they did was stomp around. I'm not sure how they went distinct though, as there wasn't any nuclear wars.