I'm too afraid to die.
I want to see my Aspie girlfriend discover a new species, or save animals from extinction.
I want to be able to stand up in front of a class of my own students, and teach them that they are the keys to their own happiness.
I want to prove that "that Aspie kid" is more than just some as*hole with a mental disorder.
People only want to die because they feel that they are not worthy enough for the gift of life. You all have a purpose. Whether it be a menial job, or as one of the world's great minds, you all have a purpose. Feeling jealous for someone else who has it better off than you is narcissistic, it's complaining that your lot in life is bad. Think about it like this, At least you weren't born in Syria... Or as a small rodent, or some form of prey animal, or an ant, or a consciousless bacterium. You are a 1 in a trillion chance come true. Make every goddamn moment count.