Right now, I'm feeling very suicidal.
I've just had enough of life and I completely give up. I've put up with the s**t life around me long enough, and my misery and (diagnosed) mild depression is not really helping. I have had very frequent thoughts of self harm as I just want to rid of all my pain and anxiety I suffer. Although, I've been on Fluoextine (Prozac) for nearly a month (20mg dose), and it's not really done anything for me.
I just want to cut myself of from the outside world, as I'm frightened and angry to face anymore misery, hate, and torment.
I've tried to keep going with happy thoughts, but those happy thoughts disappear very quickly. For some reason, pessismism can reassure me sometimes, but not often, as too much pessimism just makes me breakdown and shout at any random person.
Although, my mum is the only person that understands and keeps me (not physically) from going ahead with it. If only, there was more people like my mum out there in that big wide world.
I have a couple of friends which I go to the cinema with sometimes at weekends, but they live far away from me so I can't exactly "hang around" with them either. Besides, I don't do hanging around either. I see them at school, but they live a 5 minute walk away from it. I live 8 miles away from my school, so I have to catch the bus every morning, and my mum comes and picks me up.
These friends of mine know what I'm going through (their mostly girls) but I'm too afraid to trust them due to the fact that I've had other girlfriends (friends who are girls) that have backstabbed me and wound me up.
After, I see my friends from a cinema trip, I just feel miserable again, as I try to hide my depression away from them, and look happy and content. I can't be bothered to do that anymore, but would you rather cover up your misery or have people constantly pester you saying "What's wrong?" all the time?
My mind just feels completely f****d up, and I feel like complete and utter s**t. I just don't know what to do, and how much more hate, misery, anger, and anxiety is coming my way.
I've given up with my schoolwork as well, as I just don't feel interested with the work I'm doing. I would happily bunk, but I'd get into trouble.
This isolation and sadness is getting worse and worse for me.
I just wanted to post that. I've wanted to post that for a while, but either haven't the time or haven't had the patience to think of how to word it.