I feel like I'm Going to Be Sick...........

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06 Jun 2007, 1:53 pm

Everything is up in the air....

Nothing is right.......

I'm tired... probably mal nurished.....

and i just want to cry/throw up from this free-falling sensation that i'm experiencing.

Nothing specific... other than not one single aspect of my life is how i would like it to be.............

time is running out for all the things i have to do before i move (trying to finish at one school to leave for another).... yet i dont see an end to anything.

sometimes i just wonder if emotions are just cyclic for no particular reason.... some days i feel fine... but i just feel super crappy lately... times like these, i used to think of suicide when i was younger...

now i just want someone to hold me and rock me while i blubber...

then feed me something different.... cause im sick of all the food i can make/buy.

beyond that.... i have no idea what would make me feel better.

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