Acid attacks
I'm now worried about being a victim of acid being thrown in my face. I heard this keeps happening to random people for no reason, mostly in London I think. But I live in a town that also has a bad reputation for crime, and it wouldn't surprise me if it started happening there.
I don't know a lot about acid attacks or why people do it, but it seems to me that it's hard to avoid, as (nutty) people throw it from a passing car, so it's hard to see it coming. Also I heard this is happening in broad daylight, in crowded areas. Why are people doing this? What do they gain out of it? I know it could happen to anybody but for some reason I always think it's more likely going to happen to me because I look dumb and useless, and I do not want a disfigured face.
I don't know a lot about acid attacks or why people do it, but it seems to me that it's hard to avoid, as (nutty) people throw it from a passing car, so it's hard to see it coming. Also I heard this is happening in broad daylight, in crowded areas. Why are people doing this? What do they gain out of it? I know it could happen to anybody but for some reason I always think it's more likely going to happen to me because I look dumb and useless, and I do not want a disfigured face.

Possibly it's terrorism.
I would avoid crowded areas if I felt unsafe.
And while it may be a challenge,
try to avoid over-worrying ...
just do your best to be practical.
From what I've read it seems to be mostly street gangs doing it to each other. It's not illegal (at the moment) to
be in possession of an acid substance as it is to have a knife or gun, I believe.
It might be a good idea,though, to avoid using a mobile while walking down the street, if possible, as the moped
thieves in London use acid as well as hammers and machetes. They target people who are using their phones
because the phones are at that moment unlocked, which makes it quicker and easier for them to sell on.

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I second the advice to avoid using your phone while walking along a street. What's happening in London could be copy-catted anywhere.
There have lately been gangs of thieves in London who ride around on mopeds/scooters looking for phone to grab and yes, there has been use of acidic substances to incapacitate the victim. I've been seeing those news reports and yes it seems to be a method that is escalating in use.
It's not unreasonable to be concerned about it, although, as stated, certain safe behaviours will make you less likely to be a victim, such as not flashing an expensive phone.
There have been a lot of acid attacks lately of various causes: thieves on random strangers, gangs or young guys with vendettas against each other (happened in my area recently), revenge attacks from an ex boyfriend to an ex girlfriend, and terror-related incidents.
It's not unreasonable to be concerned -- after all, any one of us can fall victim to anything tomorrow. People actually do win the lottery. People actually do get struck by lightning. Etc etc. And people can get hurt in a criminal act, random or otherwise.
But just be aware, and don't do foolish things like walk home alone in the dark with an expensive phone in your hand, etc. We can't always dodge just sheer rotten luck at being in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong stranger noticing us, but there is still a lot a person can do to keep themselves less likely to be victimized rather than more likely.
I'm glad I created this thread now because I do have a habit of playing on my phone whilst standing at bus stops, the reason being is because of my social anxiety, I like to look distracted as to avoid eye contact or to keep other people's gaze out of my periphery. I get hypersensitive to other people's stares.
I don't understand how moped riders can steal your phone if they are passing by on a moped when throwing acid. If a person on a moped slowed right down near you, it might look obvious and it could give you a chance to run. I mean, you've got to aim the acid right at the face. I don't get it.

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Some of the moped attacks have involved throwing acid. Some are just drive-by-and-snatch.
I wasn't getting at what you said. I was just getting at the mentality of these nasty people and how they actually accomplish anything.
The media seem to get off on scaring us (the general public) to death. Even the "much loved" BBC do it. I don't know why, it's just a default mode. The actual chances of being attacked are very slim.
Many years ago I studied martial arts. One of the things I learned was defensive thinking... be very alert... cross the road if you have to... if you go around a corner take a wide berth so you can see there's no-one lurking on the other side. Obviously if you're wandering along with your attention on a phone you're not going to see the moped coming.
One of the best things about the martial arts training was the fact that I got very fit... so if anything did happen you could react very quickly and run away.
Steve J
Unkind tongue, right ill hast thou me rendered
For such desert to do me wreak and shame

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Trueno, yes of course it's not unheard of that the media like to inflate and sensationalize things to scare us. But reporting something that DID actually happen isn't scaremongering, it's reporting something that DID actually happen -- and if there is another and another, would you rather they just stayed silent and DIDN'T report?
There have been more incidents than we've historically heard of and one happened in my local high street, so while it's unrealistic to go around constantly expecting to be in one of these attacks, it's also not realistic to think it's ALL "media" scaremongering and isn't likely to happen to you. That happened half a mile from where I'm sitting right now in a place I go nearly every day.
Of course the likelihood is LOW. But like I say, as long as something is out there and does happen, it can happen. Again, for balance, no, one shouldn't then live one's life thinking "I'm next." Because I agree with you that's not completely likely.
But I do also agree that it pays everyone to be vigilant and not do stupid things that raise one's risk factors.

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Okay please don't anyone invalidate me right now in the fear I felt - but people are talking about "unlikeliness" on this thread and all that. And it's actually kind of invalidating when stuff IS actually happening right around you or you have in fact seen with your own eyes the perpetrators.
I just arrived home. I live in the east end of London where many of these scooter based attacks have been concentrated over very recent weeks. My final road home is a quiet side street that is a dead-end cul-de-sac coming out onto a footpath that leads to where my building is.
Just as started walking down this quiet street, about four scooters/mopeds with two people on them each, came riding up to the junction I had just left, riding past me. They had been convened stationary at the cul de sac and then happened to head off up this street toward the main road.
As they rode past me, they were calling out to each other. I didn't catch what they were saying. EVERY ONE of these people had a black balaclava over their faces.
It's a mild day, it's not cold, not even with windchill on a motorbike. All of their faces were covered up.
As I saw them, I actually had a physical reaction, the one where it feels like you are on a roller coaster and your whole heart and stomach just dropped like a stone into your bowels. I actually had that sick "whoooshing" sensation go through my whole body, like an an animal instinct that I was in danger.
We have had a gang of these scooter-based attackers in my immediate neighborhood before and I'm sorry to any cynics out there reading this, but I just knew this might be them.
I'm sorry but I really, really did get this sick "knowing" that these people on these scooters were this group of attackers or one doing the same thing.
I know people are going to come here and say well you can't know that and they probably were not.
I believe in my heart they were. I've seen them before but from a distance and we currently have a group that police are still seeking in my area. They looked directly at me all turning their heads as they happened to ride past me, and they were yelling something at each other.
In an instant I felt incredibly vulnerable and fearful that they would turn back. I have nothing to mug for, wasn't showing a phone in my hand. I was wheeling a pushbike. I wouldn't have been worth the crime. They didn't come back, but I felt REALLY afraid for several minutes. I didn't want to continue down that road. I had to so I rode quickly, looking behind.
I am not kidding, I don't go around fearing this stuff. I don't even think about it. But I am in London, I am in one of the several spots where there HAVE been a spate of scooter gang attacks in the last several weeks, , they weren't just dreamed up by a scaremongering press, and one of them happened in this area.
My whole body went from "la la la, having a nice day" to complete fear when these people in masks looked right at me.
I'm sorry Joe if this doesn't help your fear -- but I'm posting this because I just got really freaked out in an otherwise serene day. I don't care what anyone says, I think I just passed one of these groups. My whole body knew it even before my brain did.

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From what I have seen of acid attack victims I tend to agree..I have certainly seen some articles. I get a lot of news updates from the BBC so a bit of British news as well so certainly have heard of this issue.
We won't go back.
Hi Joe,
Is it possible for you to move away from your town?
Does everybody know everybody in town? Because if the bad people know who you are and what you've got, that changes things.
Years ago, I bought a Samsonite money belt - best thing I ever did. Wear your valuables under your clothes and never flash them in public. The money belt is big enough for money, passport, phone, etc. I have never understood why women walk around with a purse, sort of proclaiming "Rob this." For bigger stuff, maybe get a back-sack of the impoverished student variety.
I think there is a way to look like I'm not worth robbing. I wear gray, if I'm going to be in areas made of cement. Hoodies can blend in with cement, not sure what area looks like. Cover your hair with something boring. Wear cheap shoes - I think that's the number one thing that proclaims your income to the world.
If you're listening to music, arrange it beforehand that it's all inside, with the wire up your back, so the only thing visible would be the earpods - which could be covered by the hat?
Don't ruin it with pink socks! It's possible to dress so boring that you're almost invisible.
It it is right to take steps to protect yourself however is no more logical to focus on acid attacks than it is to focus on garrotting. There was media hysteria around garrotting in the 19th century, mainly to sell newspapers, it led to ill thought out legislation.
The media has focused on acid attacks becuase is it heinous and sensational, and becuase there have been an increase, but you still are talking about a very, very rare crime, you are much more like to be a victim of something else and you are even more likely still to be left alone.
Acid attacks tend to happen to people known to the attacker. It is prevalent in cultures where honour crimes are common. Another profile would be someone with extreme jealousy such as a spurned lover. Acid attacks are rarely random, and generally only when there is mistaken identity. The chances of this happening to you are very unlikely.
Don't let anxiety take hold, it won't make you think logically nor with it make you less vulnerable. If you work on your anxiety this will help your self defense. Confidence will make you more situational aware, less visibly vulnerable, and more able to act. I know this form personal experience of assault and also years of martial arts expernce.
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