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17 Aug 2017, 6:28 pm

Had a terrible day at college today. I broke down and started crying and rocking in public because I was so overwhelmed by all the people and it felt like everyone was staring at me. I was too anxious to go to my next class because I was still crying and shaking so I went to my car and vomited in it :( I went home and had a bad meltdown where I broke my bedroom door. I never wanna go back to school again. My anxiety is too much.


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17 Aug 2017, 7:12 pm

Oh what a sin! You probably just have to get used to it. You would not be the first person in history to be overwhelmed by college. Hope you can find a way. Good luck.


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17 Aug 2017, 7:58 pm

Sarahsmith wrote:
Oh what a sin! You probably just have to get used to it. You would not be the first person in history to be overwhelmed by college. Hope you can find a way. Good luck.

Thank you for wishing me luck, Sarahsmith. What did you mean by "Oh what a sin!" though? That left me confused.


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17 Aug 2017, 10:03 pm

I dont know just think its a sin you were having such a terrible time.

Pileated woodpecker
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18 Aug 2017, 5:45 pm

Beta blockers really help. They've helped me.

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18 Aug 2017, 9:37 pm

in some cases, dropping out or taking a leave of absence could be the best thing.

in some cases it is better to keep going to school.

consider if the way you responded was the way you usually respond to new situations.

if so, then you will get over it.

if not, change something

go to an easier school, change majors, take fewer units.

find out exactly why you responded that way.

go to a psychiatrist. get meds.

was it a school too far away from home?

did you have early morning classes?

but be careful about discussing dropping out with school counselors.

they practice "brand loyalty" and it is their job to tell you not to drop out. it is not their job to figure out what is best for you specifically.


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21 Aug 2017, 5:56 am

Yep, I have some pretty crazy anxiety atm which is not letting me get much sleep. I had the fun of anxiety at work today, where I zombied around the plant and the lab as if I was walking and working in slow motion due to 2 hours sleep. Funny thing is no one noticed any difference. You're not alone on the anxiety train!

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21 Aug 2017, 7:32 am

You are not alone! I also have lots of anxiety even when I need to do common daily tasks like shopping or getting my hair cut. Every task is like climbing a mountain and takes a lot of energy. I try to cope by doing it in small steps, trying to find the best times and avoid busy crowds.

When I was younger (@school) I tried to push myself through it but now I have help. Talking about it with a professional really helped me.

Try to find help @ college or a doctor/psych maybe they can help you as well!

Glass is half full kinda guy, learn from things that go wrong in your life and ask for help when needed!
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22 Aug 2017, 2:07 pm

see a doctor =) don't take medication without talking to a doctor first. xD

Victor1985 wrote:
Beta blockers really help. They've helped me.

this. i take 10 or 20 mg 30 minutes before the event and it actually works.
it doesn't make the unpleasant feeling of anxiety go away, but no more physical symptoms. people can't exactly tell im nervous in spite of being an anxious wreck inside.

awkward facepalm

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22 Aug 2017, 2:16 pm

awkward facepalm wrote:

i take 10 or 20 mg

i once doubled the dose and i almost died. i know people on high doses of them, but they have other health issues. i take it only for anxiety. maybe thats why 8)