Constant feeling of loneliness.

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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03 Jun 2007, 3:37 pm

I'm feeling, that no-one - except my family - really cares about me. Nobody ever calls me to ask what I do in my freetime. No one's interested to hang around with me. Only thing to go somewhere and to do something with other people is to make the first move by myself. I mean, nobody never asks me anywhere! On holidays and weekends it's worst. And it gets just worse back in school, when everyone just speak about how good time they have had while I'm alone and have nothing to do. Especially summer uses to be really tough time.


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03 Jun 2007, 3:38 pm

That's the same way my life is.


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03 Jun 2007, 3:52 pm

Sometimes I feel that way, despite having a very close friend now.


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03 Jun 2007, 4:00 pm

I think you're better off in here, the NT world is very superficial, at least here ther are people who understand where you are comming from :lol:

mostly harmless


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03 Jun 2007, 4:10 pm

I feel the same.

I am the steppenwolf that never learned to dance. (Sedaka)

El hombre es una bestia famélica, envidiosa e insaciable. (Francisco Tario)

I'm male by the way (yes, I know my avatar is misleading).


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03 Jun 2007, 4:13 pm

I feel that way constantly
I know all the pain it brings as well.
Going through a rough patch of it right now.

Sea Gull
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03 Jun 2007, 4:35 pm

When I'm feeling blue, I tend to grab a book and sit under a tree in a park. The weather here in the UK is perfect for this sort of thing. If only I was still a student :-( Having only weekends free is annoying.

If you're finding it difficult to get people to do things with you, why don't you just go it alone for a bit? There's nothing wrong with going to the cinema alone. Or how about a day trip somewhere? Make a plan and do something new :-)

Snowy Owl
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03 Jun 2007, 6:10 pm

wow, that sums me up greatly. Its that feeling that makes me lose faith in the human race, as far as NTs are concerned(I know its not true, but ya can't help the feeling). As George Carlin puts it, " People are DUMB! I know that doesn't include this audience, you all seem to be intelligent people and I understand that. But the rest of em, DUMBER THAN A SECOND COAT OF PAINT!" Least thats my rant when I see more and more stupid people doing ridiculous things. So I get turned off from socializing with people because I hate the stupid things they do. Sorry I'm ranting, I'll stop now. :oops:

Yet we want to connect with others, but not get engrossed with people who want to make you like them (including their stupid ways) as well as people who say they will come do stuff with ya but not surpisingly always find a way to get out of it.


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03 Jun 2007, 6:56 pm

my life is like that too
I dropped out of school so i have absolutely nothing!


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03 Jun 2007, 7:58 pm

Hell-Fox wrote:
Its that feeling that makes me lose faith in the human race

I was feeling exactly like that before I knew about AS and about this site, I am glad now because people in here are nice, it seems that aspies are always nicer than NTs. well, at least online.


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03 Jun 2007, 8:24 pm

I feel that way at least once a day, but I try not to.


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03 Jun 2007, 9:32 pm

I can relate to what you're saying...
I have come to acknowledge that probably that's the way life works...You have to make the first move have to ask for what you want...
I think as we continue to make attempts and practice, we do get better at it slowly but surely...and the way we view life changes so that it becomes natural for ourselves to take the initiatives and even reach out to other lonely people...:)


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03 Jun 2007, 10:17 pm

I understand how you feel. It's crippling.

On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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04 Jun 2007, 12:48 am

I will have to raise my hand as well.

I am trying to work on my problem of being lonely and having no friends. I have made a bit of progress but it is coming slowly.

Blue Jay
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04 Jun 2007, 11:07 am

That describes my life as well.


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04 Jun 2007, 6:46 pm

Sopho wrote:
That's the same way my life is.