Unfortunately I have no advice to offer, but I can empathise. I don't have fecal incontenence but I have serious problems with my sinuses, and so when I get the common cold it is absolute hell for me. Nothing clears my sinuses properly, and my nose just constantly leaks out milk-coloured mucus, and I literally have to hold a tissue over my nose otherwise there will be mucus everywhere. Also I cannot sleep with a cold either, so that makes me feel even more groggy. Propping my pillows up just gives me neckache, so I can't even do that.
I feel panicky when someone announces they have a cold. I know virus germs are in the air anyway, but knowing someone you live with has a bug of some sort, you do feel like you're more exposed to the virus.
I fear vomiting too, so when someone has a vomiting and diarrhea bug I feel SO anxious and I start washing my hands in boiling hot water, and even bleach, because I get convinced that normal handsoap might not kill stomach flu germs. But it mostly likely DOES.