Say hypothetically you were severely abused at home and at school as a child. You cried out repeatedly for help, but no one took you seriously. But you promised when you became a parent that you would turn around the whole experience and use it to do better for your kids.
Then, that you became a parent and did an amazing job with your child. That you never even yelled at him, hit him, or even understood how anyone could hit or even be deliberately rude to their child. But you got so much resistance from the world around you, who wanted you to relate to your child in the same dysfunctional and toxic way that is considered normal to relate to your children. You had PTSD still from your own childhood, made worse by being in a toxic marriage to someone who had different ideas about what they want to become of your child. Your ex knew how to push your buttons, and did on purpose, because they had every intention of using it against you as soon as the time was right.
And when they struck, they used your pain to take your child away from you with the full backing of the law, causing you more pain than you ever knew that just won't stop getting worse and worse, even more pain than you lived with every day as a child who was abused at home and at school. Because no one took you seriously as a child, you were left with your abusive parents. While now, you have been fighting a losing battle to get your child back, when you never even understood how anyone could hit their child let alone done it yourself. And to make matters worse, you have photographic evidence that shows your ex and your child's grandparents have been hitting him, yet when you ask for help you're blocked from seeing your child for 4 months, and the 2nd time you ask for help, you're arrested. My only crime, questioning the law's right to abuse my son.
This is the hell my son and I have been living for the last 18 months.
What's blocking me from finding joy in everyday moments is I would have to be heartless if it was possible for me to be happy knowing my son is being mistreated, and even the law is tying my hands behind my back keeping me from protecting him.
Does anyone reading this know of any stories that started out like ours and actually had a happy ending?