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Joined: 18 Nov 2017
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18 Dec 2017, 12:52 am

My mind has literally been everywhere all day to where I'm too distracted to come here and write anything but i guess im alright enough to say at least something. Its probably not okay to hate yourself because of your own mental problems but i do anyway and i wish i didnt. I know a few people who suffer from depression and i can talk to them about certain things and it sometimes helps. Literally no one i know has autism so im pretty much alone on that one and i dont think im understood fully by friends because of that. It would be easier to deal with if i had someone irl that i could talk to that knew what its like but i dont. I guess you could say i hate myself because of the autism. I hate the fact that i was born like this I hate that theres nothing i can do to get rid of it. I hate that theres no postives to being like this. I just want it to go away and i know theres no possible way to do so.


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19 Dec 2017, 5:02 am

New methods to cope with autism are being developed all the time.

One of the latest is electromagnetic cranial stimulation. What it actually does I'm not sure but it is different to the medications and cognitive behavioural therapy by psychologists that have been foisted on people up til now. It seems to be a method of making the brain relearn ways of handling situations but I'm not fully aware of how it works.

There are also people exploring nutritional approaches to coping with autism. The most basic and obvious being the gluten free, casein free diuet. But many taking it further with probiotics like sauerkraut, Kim chi, kombucha and raw honey.

Others would say we just need other people to be more tolerant of autism. Maybe that will happen in time. It will happen sooner if some of us become politicians and other high ranking members of society so we can protect our interests.