I'm in love with an actress named Lili Taylor. Since a couple weeks before my graduation, my love for her grows stronger. In fact, as days go on I grew to love her more than ever before, even though I may not know Lili personally. It still don't change the fact that I have a lusting crush on her. More than once, I cried, and sometimes big time. I've been very driven to total insanity and hatred because I think about her so much. If only I could get to meet her in person someday, or find a website where I could introduce myself and talk to her, I'd feel much better than sitting in my personal darkness pretending she's talking to me when I'm in bed. Now I feel a lusting desire for revenge or love, and I feel like I wanna fight against her or Amika Fowsar, my still love in a boxing fight to the death, hoping one of them could kill me in battle. What's the reason to live if you gotta suffer like this? WHY?! Life shouldn't have to be this way for me, but it is, and it ain't my fault! At least not totally. If anyone in this website could talk to me about it, I"d like to know about it. Thanks for reading this note.
End of log. Nick Doyle.