I've been wanting to become a movie director or have some kind of career in filmmaking for years now, but find it hard to break into the business.
Basically I feel it's best to break in by making a feature film and trying to either sell it, or get noticed that way. However, it seems that almost everyone is not supporting me at all in this and I keep being told that I am nowhere near ready and that I don't have "it".
I am pouring all my fortune and savings into it and everyone thinks I am crazy. However, if you read what other movie directors had to do go get there, they all had to do the same thing, and put their life savings on the line.
So I feel I am not doing anything different than almost every successful movie director had to do to get there.
But I find people's warnings incredibly discouraging and can't help but feel that I might very likely be making a mistake. I talked to a movie director about it, and he said that it's true what directors say that they had to throw everything into the pot, and not listen to anyone, and that the only beliefs that matter are one's own.
But what do you think? How do other people in this kind of position do it, where they have to convince themselves that they are the one right person and that everyone else's opinions don't matter?