I do have friends, but we have drifted, massively to the point where we do not really see each other. I am 35 I have grown out of hanging around dingy apartments, smoking dope, playing computer games, talking BS. If I stay in I want to drink wine, play scrabble and talk about life and the world. I want to go out, do things, see shows, go to the football, travel, see the world with people. My friends don't pull themselves up, they are stuck in a rut. But sadly I got ill, mentally, spent a decade in almost isolation, never went to college or anything so find it hard, impossible, to find people to share my life, my passions with.
It is frustrating sad and lonely isn't it. But do not put yourself down, don't think that people do not like you, that you are annoying, that you are thrown out. Maybe that is just in your own head, maybe you have not found the right people for you yet, the place where you fit in. But don't put yourself down. It is hard, been by yourself, I know, but do not make it worse by having negative thoughts about your self and your worth.