My dad is an idiot and being such a narcissist
My dad is someone who will fall for scams and I have no sympathy for him, why? Because he doesn't listen when you tell him and he gets mad at you when you ask him questions to get more information just so you can warn him about thew scam. It's ridiculous how the bank had to tell him something was a scam after my mom had told him so so he finally took it seriously after the bank told him something was a scam. My dad will discredit what my mom says and I am beginning to think he is a misogynist, he thinks less of you when you are a woman because he will not credit what you say and will discredit it because he does it to my mom all the time but when a man tells him the same thing, oh he gets it now. My grandfather was the same way too, my mom is a nurse so when she would tell him something medical about his body, he would discredit her but if a man told him the same, it was information he got. He will also get mad if you try and tell him it's a scam so I don't even bother telling him anymore. Instead I just feel sorry for my mother because his narcissism affects her because they share the same bank account.
So people out there who refuse to listen when you warn them something is a scam lose my sympathy because they piss me off so much. I told my mother I don't know how she can stay married to someone like my dad because I would have left him a long time ago because it would have stressed me out to much. I told her she should open her own bank account so that way it will only be my dad's problem and not hers too when he falls for another scam.
I am someone who will actually do research and read about scams so I won't be a victim so when I warn someone about it and they discredit me, it pisses me off and then I don't feel sorry for them when they fall for it because it serves them right as*hole. Use the f*****g internet to do your damn research when someone tells you it's a scam. And people wonder why we "blame the victim." This is why. Even the catfished victims on Dr. Phil piss me off because they do not listen when they are told it's a scam and Dr. Phil has to tell them and finally they believe it? How stupid are these people? I have a hard time feeling sorry for them because they discredit everyone until they are on Dr. Phil and they are discrediting him too until he gathers all this evidence to convince them and it's usually at the end of the show when they are finally convinced when it had been obvious before they were being scammed. I feel sorry for their adult children. Hey there are articles online about catfishers, no excuse.
Mmm I wonder if a guy told him this is a scam, he will listen? That will be interesting. But even I hate misogynists. I can't believe my dad is one and he used to tell me all the time women were worthless and that you can't live with them and can't live without them. Being in the moment girl, I didn't take offense to it because I wasn't a woman yet. Now I know this should have been offensive for me and I should have been offended even as a child and teen because I would be a woman soon and he will be treating me the same way. Now he is embarrassed he fell for this one vacation scam and the fact he didn't listen to my mother when she said they should pay by credit card because this all sounds good to be true but my dad was adamant. They are out $3,000 because of it. My mom is hoping this will teach him a lesson and he will finally start listening.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.