Joe90 wrote:
Like Hollywood_Guy, I am petrified. It's 1939 all over again. I hate Syria. I hate Trump, I hate Theresa May and I hate Vladimir Putin. Don't they know that retaliating against Syria will esculate conflict and chemical weapons? Syria has chemical weapons, and it's best not to get involved in countries that have hold of chemical weapons. Just leave them to it. Let Syria get on with it.
Trump and May must so badly want to die. I want government who cares about life. I hate war, it terrifies me. I'm scared of hearing the dreaded doomsday announcement on the TV, when they will say "breaking news to Britain, we are now being under attack by the Russians, brace yourselves, you're going to die within the next hour, and those of you who don't die you will die horribly from the radiation."
Actually I can't wait to hear Theresa May dying in agony saying through splutters, "I knew we shouldn't have retaliated!"
What has Syrians torturing their own people got to do with the west anyway?
Please, my mum is no good to talk to about this because she just says "yes it is going to happen, stop going on and on." Can anyone here reassure me with reasons as to why we WON'T be bombed? Googling it is just more confusing, I'd rather be reassured on a forum.
I don't tell myself bad things won't happen. I acknowledge they might happen and think about how I would deal with it.