The world cup makes me anxious

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06 Jul 2018, 2:07 pm

Don't get me wrong, I do support the England game and I feel happy if England wins (although I don't really know much about football).
But when a huge crowd of people get really erratic when the England game wins or loses, it worries me. I'm so scared I'm going to get caught up in a huge rampage.

In case you don't know, there has been people celebrating stupidly in the street when England wins a game, and they run around the high streets in huge crowds, tipping bins over and jumping up and down on the nearest car, and it's just something you don't want to accidentally get caught up in.

I've got to get 3 buses tomorrow, and there is an England vs something match on tomorrow, not sure what time it starts but I want to be at my destination before the game starts. And because England is doing really good in this world cup, if they lose I'm scared there's going to be riots. Will it be safer getting the buses in the morning/midday? If I do get caught up among hoards of drunks going mad over football, it will not help my anxiety levels.

I will be glad when this is all over.



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06 Jul 2018, 4:08 pm

The match is against Sweden. It's the Quarterfinals. It will start at 15:00 (3 PM) your time.


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09 Jul 2018, 4:04 am

If England get the final you might get the day off. If they win it'll be a national celebration.

If you feel unsafe relatives might sort you.


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09 Jul 2018, 11:21 am

I like to time stuff so that I'm travelling about while the match is actually in progress - the fans aren't going to venture beyond viewing distance of the nearest TV while a game is playing (avoid smoking areas outside pubs at half-time, though!). I was camping in Snowdonia over the match weekend (planned long before the game was scheduled), and the handful of us that weren't interested in the football had a great Saturday afternoon out - it was wonderful to visit a few beauty spots on a gorgeous sunny day and have them all to ourselves!

However, there's no way I would have gone to slake my thirst in any of the pubs - not even if all my drinks were being paid for! Very loud, boisterous groups of people make me nervous at the best of times, even if they're not being aggressive or destructive, and they overwhelm my senses so much that I get disoriented and can't make conversation. When overjoyed (or inconsolable) sports fans try interact with me, I always feel like my complete and utter lack of interest might be "outed" and lead to a lot of ribbing that I'm not good at responding to, or that I'll be obliged to trot out some reasoning for it, as if I need some kind of special dispensation for not caring (my "favourite" is playing multiple rounds of; "Oh, so you're a [some other sport] fan, then?", "No, I don't like any sport.", "Oh, then you must be a [some other sport] fan then", "No, really, not any sport.", "Aah, you must be from [elsewhere] where they're all into [some other sport]?", "No...")

Tequila wrote:
If England get the final you might get the day off.

So long as the non-fans can swap it for a day off when they have something to celebrate, that's fine with me!

Tequila wrote:
If they win it'll be a national celebration.

Please no! 8O The 1966 World Cup win is gradually fading from living memory, so I have to suffer footie fans going on and on about it less and less with each passing year. If the footie fans would just promise to have a big party and then STFU about it, that would be fine, but somehow, I don't think that'll happen! :twisted: :lol:

PS) I don't really hate sports fans, so long as they have their fun without intimidating or harming anyone else. Some of my best friends are huge sports fans, and they manage to be wonderful people despite their terrible affliction. :wink:

When you are fighting an invisible monster, first throw a bucket of paint over it.


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09 Jul 2018, 11:29 am

If it was me I'd get a quiet park, some tins and have a drink while it's on. Avoid the pubs.