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28 Jul 2018, 1:13 pm

I can't believe he did this AGAIN! Earlier this month, he said the water bill was extra high and he requested extra money to help pay it (mind you this bill is in me and my husband's name, the trailer park refuses to take it out of our name and put it in my uncle's, but my uncle insists on paying it) But today, I checked in the mailbox and there was a really high water bill shut off notice. Which means, yet again, we gave him a large sum of money for something and he just pocketed it. Of course we were really angry but I told my husband I wouldn't yell at him. I calmly handed him the bill and asked what happened and he started screaming at the top of his lungs at me. We left the house, I didn't raise my voice at him at all. We have now come back, and he has left the house.

Seriously... Why does he keep doing this!

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28 Jul 2018, 6:35 pm

His sister actually told me that he has the right to do anything he wants with our money because he has to put up with my meltdowns... Seriously??? I can't help having meltdowns and this situation caused me to have one a minute ago after she said that. His sister always sides with him and I don't know why.

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28 Jul 2018, 7:21 pm

His defended himself saying that if he didn't let the bill slide until this month he wouldn't have had the money to make it through the month and he didn't have to tell us he let it slide. I still believe he should have however because he told us he was using the money to pay it.

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28 Jul 2018, 8:09 pm

Angnix wrote:
Seriously... Why does he keep doing this!

Because he can.

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29 Jul 2018, 7:13 am

Basically my uncle's entire defense is that he can do stuff like this because if it wasn't for him we would be on the streets, his sister called us "ungrateful" for questioning him. But I have a feeling this is completely wrong...

Crazy Bird Lady!! !
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29 Jul 2018, 7:18 am

Angnix wrote:
Basically my uncle's entire defense is that he can do stuff like this because if it wasn't for him we would be on the streets, his sister called us "ungrateful" for questioning him. But I have a feeling this is completely wrong...

He keeps doing it because you keep enabling him. Can you move out? This guy sounds like he's just going to keep using whoever he can, with no remorse.


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29 Jul 2018, 7:42 am

HighLlama wrote:
Angnix wrote:
Basically my uncle's entire defense is that he can do stuff like this because if it wasn't for him we would be on the streets, his sister called us "ungrateful" for questioning him. But I have a feeling this is completely wrong...

He keeps doing it because you keep enabling him. Can you move out? This guy sounds like he's just going to keep using whoever he can, with no remorse.

He "found" a house for us but the catch is that he wants us to make the payments but he wants his name to be on the deed. In the past when his mother had the head injury he took her property by faking her signature (which he did on lots of documents, he totally identity theft her until she died) so my husband says if we move in and his name is on the property he could leagally take it down the line. Uncle expects us to just trust him, lol.

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29 Jul 2018, 7:44 am

Oh, and of course he even has justfications for doing that to his mother... He's NEVER wrong about ANYTHING... According to him...

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29 Jul 2018, 7:51 am

Narcissist or sociopath, not enough information to say which.

In future, pay the bills in person, bypassing him. Just go in to the utility office and pay in cash.

But you guys have really got to shed this leech. You should never let your lives be entangled with him in the future. Let his SISTER put up with his crap.

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29 Jul 2018, 7:55 am

BeaArthur wrote:
Narcissist or sociopath, not enough information to say which.

In future, pay the bills in person, bypassing him. Just go in to the utility office and pay in cash.

But you guys have really got to shed this leech. You should never let your lives be entangled with him in the future. Let his SISTER put up with his crap.

The funny thing is he used to claim he was an "empath" and he used to talk to self proclaimed empaths online, who as a group often are victimized by narsissists. He even claims he has psychic and mediumship abilities, I think he's kinda self-inflated.

Crazy Bird Lady!! !
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29 Jul 2018, 8:32 am

Instead of wasting your energy compiling & cataloguing the misdeeds of others, put that energy into bettering your situation by perhaps leaving & not looking back?


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29 Jul 2018, 8:39 am

hobojungle wrote:
Instead of wasting your energy compiling & cataloguing the misdeeds of others, put that energy into bettering your situation by perhaps leaving & not looking back?

We tried doing that last year and failed... We eventually had to come back when there was no place else for us to go. We don't have a lot of money and I'm trying to fix that situation.

Crazy Bird Lady!! !
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29 Jul 2018, 8:55 am

Angnix wrote:
hobojungle wrote:
Instead of wasting your energy compiling & cataloguing the misdeeds of others, put that energy into bettering your situation by perhaps leaving & not looking back?

We tried doing that last year and failed... We eventually had to come back when there was no place else for us to go. We don't have a lot of money and I'm trying to fix that situation.

I can attest that you have tried really hard to make your own way, and continue to do so. But you MUST stay away from that uncle. Remember how you found there were some low-income supports for your housing problems? Maybe you need to explore this sort of thing more and take whatever help you can get. LEAVE THE UNCLE OUT OF YOUR PLANS!!

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29 Jul 2018, 12:29 pm

Angnix wrote:
hobojungle wrote:
Instead of wasting your energy compiling & cataloguing the misdeeds of others, put that energy into bettering your situation by perhaps leaving & not looking back?

We tried doing that last year and failed... We eventually had to come back when there was no place else for us to go. We don't have a lot of money and I'm trying to fix that situation.

Well, I don’t know what to tell you. I lost my housing last year & had to move back in with my parents. It’s not what I wanted, but it’s safe.


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31 Jul 2018, 8:58 am

Oh, tge little house, turns out the relative selling the house was trying to cheat my uncle or us! Uncle backed out of deal. Yeah, my family tries to cheat each other...

Crazy Bird Lady!! !
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02 Aug 2018, 5:02 am

Sounds like swindling is a family tradition with them. Hope you are able to get away from that.