Being often yelled at by “normal people”....
Being yelled at often by “normal people” is making me hate the majority of “neurotypical” people.
I really need to rant and let this off my chest.
I know that not all “neurotypical people” are mean towards autists, but you have to admit that the vast majority of people in this modern society deem autistic people as less than human. Why do you think the word “autistic” is being used as a insult nowadays by a lot of people? One of the ways I can tell someone is an “NT” is by their accent and tone of voice, particularly when they talk in a contrived fashion. Even the way society is structured is in no way created for autistic people. This is why I want to go off grid soon, move near or on a mountain somewhere in a tiny house, build a fence around my house and say “f**k all and sundry” and live alone.
Today at work, a very unprofessional job trainer went off on me at work for something that I didn’t even mean to do. The entire week that he was training me he was swearing and complaining about how tired he was.
The job that I am being trained for is called “Docucare Associate”, and it pays $12.00 an hour (barely enough to live on in expensive Los Angeles, CA unless you do apartment sharing). The job entails going around to 5 different VERY HUGE corporate AT&T office buildings and making sure that each floor (the buildings go all the way up to 12 through 14 floors) has printers that are well-stocked with new toner cartridges when the old toners get too low in ink. I also have to deliver heavy stacks of paper to each floor and I also have to keep track of inventory so I can order more supplies. Anyway...
Today when I was changing the toner, I accidentally get a bit of toner on the desk as I was pulling out the cartridge. As I was pulling out the cartridge, some of the toner dust also went into my lungs, so as I was trying to keep from breathing it in while at the same time trying to put the cartridge into a plastic bag, some of the toner spilled out.
My job trainer got mad at me because I didn’t get the toner in the bag in time before the pigmented dust got on the counter (and on the wall, which I wasn’t even aware of).
He was training me for the entire week this week and for the entire time he has been rude with an annoyed attitude with me. He would constantly talk to me with that classic “baby talk” that “normal people” use when talking to so-called “disabled” people. He would slam his notebook down in frustration if I didn’t do something fast enough or the “right way” (which was his way; his way was the “right way”). He told me on the first day of the week that the job was slow paced so why was he rushing me???
He yells at me and says, “Look, let me explain something to you....I travel far everyday to come and train you and you walk away while leaving toner on the wall, and you didn’t even change the black toner cartridge out!! !!” This as*hole was holding the black toner cartridge which made me assume that he was just going to pop it in the printer, which is why I walked away from him and the printer. I was already upset with his bad ass attitude that he was having which is another reason I just left him by the printer.
I have noticed that every time I am being nit picked or “baby talked” to by another person it is ALWAYS a “neurotypical “ person.
I hate how this world is full of "neurotypical" as*holes. I hate how mechanical and robotic this world is. I hate how busy and noisy this world is. I hate how I have to get up everyday to do s**t I don't care about for some square-headed cocksucker CEO in order to eat and have a roof over my head while he sits on his ass and eats like an effendi while not doing any back-breaking work. I hate how this cold mechanical world is evil to people like me because I don't have a brain-dead and robotic mind like a drone that enables me to successfully complete mundane, repetitive, brainless mechanical tasks.
I am sick and tired of the pollution, the shallow interactions with superficial people who have zero sense in their heads because they are practically drones for the system. I must escape this place for the sake of my mental health.
My family calls me slow; they are always making jokes calling me slow. They think I am a “ret*d” who will never amount to anything in life.
I am not compatible with “NT” men at all. Most of these “NT” men already think that women are stupid, and since I am seemingly like the “clueless type”, then I really frustrate them. Even the nice “NT” men are incompatible with me because of my idiosyncratic behavior. I truly believe I will have a higher chance of finding true love with a man who is autistic.
I am in my early twenties and I have not got my driver’s license yet. And because I don’t have my driver’s license, my family thinks that I am a worthless idiot.
I hate how driving or doing any other modern task like working in the modern world operating some weird machine is seen as a sign of intelligence.
People stupidly think that the hunter gathers were stupid and primitive when in fact today's humans are stupid and primitive. Humans spent 99% of their existence on earth as hunter gatherers and just because we have all of this technology today doesn't mean humans today are smarter or "more functional" because change is not always good. Back then, wild humans didn't need computers because their brains were able to compute at high speeds and store vast amounts of information and they didn't need cameras because they were also able to store clear images of scenes from daily life, much like autists can today. They were extremely sensitive to their environment which is very advantageous in the natural environment in nature, and autistic humans today are also very sensitive to their environment. I will attest that some humans that are born autistic are just like their wild human hunter gatherer ancestors as their autism is just a genetic expression of the genes they got from their wild human ancestors. I bring up hunter gathers because I am tired of people saying that autistic people are "ret*d" or "disabled" or "disfunctional" when in fact it is modern man who is disabled because they have domesticated themselves and become so dependent on modern technology, and the hunter gathers who had autism had an advantage over those who didn’t in the natural world. Autism has its advantages, but just not for this modern, artificial environment. Check out this article about autism and hunter gatherers: ... evolution/
“Neurotypicals” aren’t "normal" because they know how to function in this artificial environment known as "civilization". Humans are further and further handicapping themselves with all of this high-tech automated crap. Nikola Tesla said that science is a perversion of itself if it isn't being used for the betterment of mankind. How is modern technology and civilization bettering humanity? Have you see the Beautiful Ones experiment with the mice? ... 180954423/
Technology is being used as a crutch for everything. I mean how lazy do you have to be to need a robot to fix you a cup of coffee??? Technology is not being used to help mankind but instead it is proof that modern humanity is handicapped. It is doing nothing but further domesticating humanity.
And speaking of Nikola Tesla, he also had autism, and he was one of the most intelligent human beings to have ever lived on this planet. So that stumps the lie that “autists are idiots”.
I am not saying that we should all go live in grass skirts and live in caves. What I am trying to say is that human beings need to be more in harmony with nature, and they need to use technology to better mankind, not make mankind lazy and worthless. Today’s world is not in harmony with nature at all. Humans today are polluting the planet at an accelerating rate, they are reproducing far past the planet’s capacity to support such a large population of people, and they work and work and work and consume and consume and consume all in the name of “economic growth” at the expense of a finite planet. One has to be a fool to think that “economic growth” can continue on forever on such a limited planet. There is so no such thing as “sustainable development”. “Sustainable development” is a contradiction of terms. Humans will continue to consume and consume and consume until there is no more planet to consume. The fall of civilization is inevitable because it is unsustainable.
I am tired of people wondering why I am not in a helmet, a wheel chair and a diaper when I tell them that I have autism. Like I said, I know not everyone thinks this, but the majority of people do, and it is annoying, hurtful and very frustrating.
I am feeling very hurt today by being yelled at yet again by another “NT” person. And since I am extremely sensitive to people’s emotions, an altercation can bother me for weeks on end, and the experience is so traumatizing that it keeps replaying in my mind. The angry way he was looking at me really broke my heart in pieces, because I didn’t mean to do what I did and I can’t help the way I am.
Even with “NT” people who don’t do anything mean to me, I still don’t like being around them because the way they are put off by how different I am just really drains me mentally, and I don’t like being around people who don’t really like me.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading.
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