My friend of almost two years, also an aspie, just revealed to me that he does not care if something is morally right or not as long as it is socially acceptable. He seems to have learned social rules very well, despite being autistic, using his extreme intellect. At first, I admired his apparent emotional intelligence. He seemed fair, forgiving, and accepting, almost the perfect person. He has been one of my best and only friends and people I can relate to an an autistic person. But now he is making excuses for extremely offensive behavior by saying it is socially acceptable. It seems to be the opposite of the average aspie, instead of being very moral but not social he is able to socially interact (due to being smart and studying social skills) but his morals are distorted. He sort of learned how to be a "psychopath", mirroring everyone around him and hiding his true nature.
Advice is needed desperately. Should I stop being friends with him?
"Don't mind me. I come from another planet. I see horizons where you see borders." - Frida Kahlo