I lost myself.
(I am new here. Sorry in advance that I am not that good at writing about things like this.)
After wanting to find help for a while now, I finally found this forum.
I wanted to find help or maybe talk to people who might experience what I do.
I think this will be easier if I just write about the things that make me believe I most likely have aspergers.
Even when I was a young child I had a feeling something was wrong with me, I noticed things the other kids did not and I seemed to always question everything. Thinking back now, that should have raised red flags right then.
All the other children to me seemed oblivious ( i do not mean this in a bad way at all) I always saw the danger in things and was super carefull. When I was 4 years old we learned how to read, the others had to use their books when tested by the teacher, yet I had somehow memorised the whole story, pages long, word for word and did not use my book to read it out loud.
I remember being very self-aware, I did not like doctors at all and I still don't. I did not want anyone but my mother to touch me. In sport's class I often refused to sport just because I kept thinking about how things could go wrong if I did this or that.
I also found it awfull to go on excursions and would pretend to be sick, this continued even until I was 17. I panick because I do not like going to place I don't perfecly know. And I need to know exactly what will happen and when or my mind freaks out. For example, one night before a week long excursion I almost choked on some food. I spend 2 hours walking around the table terrified to die on the excursion by choking on food. I was send on the excursion and only ate a tiny bit of soup the entire week. The teachers panicked because I refused to eat while we were doing walks in the forest that took hours. I only ate when I was back home.
After that I refused to go to almost anywhere at school. Often getting into trouble for skipping school. I had no problems learning but the moment it was something different like sports or excursion it would make me panick.
After a while I even figured out I suffer from OCD, I count things and feel forced to check if cables are plugged in well by pushing them so hard that my fingers hurt. Every night the same pattern.
I am also terrified of hospitals or any form of operations. I feel like my mind must understand EVERYTHING and I must find a solution to problems or else it feels like my mind just crashes. I am usually exhausted if we get visitors even if I know the people and like them, my mind just kind off overloads.
Going to the store or even outside is hell for me. I maybe go out once in a whole month. I very rarely visit a doctor, maybe three times a year and that would be A LOT for me.
I hate my life at this point and I try so hard to calm my mind but it doesn't seem to help. I panic over the smallest things. For example "What if I have to use the bathroom at work?? will I be allowed to go or will they laugh at me?". This is stopping me from finally having a job.
People that meet me say they don't think anything is wrong with me because I talk to them and they think I am smart.
I always think that I would rather be less smart and have a normal life then be smart and feel locked in my mind. I envy people who can just jump on their bike and make a quick run to the store. Or just go to their friends.
I already know that this, whatever this is with my mind, will make sure I will never be able to marry, date or even have kids. Even my older sister is angry because I didn`t went to her her 50th birthday party because of this. I wish someone could understand me. How I feel like my life is always just out of my reach. And I miss the smallest things before it got so bad. Even just the most basic things like combing my hair take an effort.
I just don`t know what to do anymore.
You have a 50-year-old sister, and you're only 25? Did she raise you like your mother raised you?
I didn't speak until I was 5 1/2 years old.
No my sister did not raise me, my mother did. My mom was 47 when she gave birth to me.
My sister was already married and gave birth to her second child 2 weeks after I was born. It's pretty funny to have one niece that is older then me and two others only a bit younger. They never call me aunt

You have a 50-year-old sister, and you're only 25? Did she raise you like your mother raised you?
I didn't speak until I was 5 1/2 years old.
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