Thats a really debated question. But, the effects of every drug, such as a medication or recreational, variate from person to person. Thats is due the fact every persons neurochemestry is different, just as their methabolism. And by all means, every drug has side effects. Many of them, i felt, and right now, i'm trying a more psychological aproach. The fact is u defitely should reseach both medical effects os marijuana, such as the meds, and be sure u mention this to ur health professional, because like all substances, some must never be mixed, and u cant now that for yourself. But be prepared to the judgmental vision of the health professionals towards MJ. There's really no manual, u just have to ajust what is better for u, and the most viable option in terms of it benefits, as well as aspects of continum use of medication and drugs in general. But personally, MJ is know for have medicinal properties. Even tough, some researchers give enfasis on the fact it may have a rol in triggering psychosis. But all medications i took along the years, when u look deeper into side effects, also may cause that, wich is bizarre, because they suppose to prevent. Anyways u shoud have a consistant observation of your behavior and patters, and have it all noted for making the proprer comparations, and then u, with the help of right medical care, may decide whats its best for you.