Confidence should not come from others otherwise you will always be subject to the biases of «popular opinion» (and just because an opinion is «popular» does not always make it moral nor ethical).
Sarahsmith wrote:
Maybe I would feel more confident if I had some nice friends or a boyfriend I could trust.
Study, study, study. Then study some more... then after I have done my research, keep studying, get more research done, organise the information, and put what I've learned into practice. Also, I am able to remain «strong and confident» with what I do, because I have a clear conscience in not harming others (thus I adhere to the Golden Rule principles which is related to so-called karmic-law). My life-style is not for everyone though. Much «accurate» information in life also tends to be very counter-intuitive.Sarahsmith wrote:
What are some techniques you guys use to build confidence? What has made you strong? I dont know maybe as time goes on I will develope a tougher shell...
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