kraftiekortie wrote:
But does it lead to a more direct bus to work?
That walk will help you lose weight...…
I understand the walk would be more difficult if it were on a big route with lots of malls.
I’m not adding an hour walking to an already 2 hour trip there. And I won’t walk back at night. If my sister won’t be able to drive me to station and back I’ll just have to quit.
The bus service is fine I don’t get why they have to f**k with it. They getting millions of dollars funding from government so they don’t have to change anything.
Not to mention I’d arrive to work covered in sweat and smelling and have rashes.
No it doesn’t lead to more direct rout. The rout is same it just stops 2 miles from my house rather then going though my neighborhood, it’ll also be cutting off 6 schools and loads of kids ride the bus as well as the school district pays them millions to provide every kid with bus pass.
They want to make the buses in Eugene come slightly faster and cut the far cost.
$50 for month or $3.50 isn’t bad I think. And as is the buses in Eugene run every 15-20 mins they don’t need to cut out thousands of peoples bus access so they can come every 7 mins.
There is no place for me in the world. I'm going into the wilderness, probably to die