Please tell me this is some sort of joke

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29 May 2019, 5:49 pm ... 0-16213213

Is this a f*****g joke????

So now everybody's got to tiptoe around in their own homes now?

Day and night I hear my upstairs neighbour constantly walking around, banging, moving things, vacuuming.... It drives me nuts but I never wanted to complain because it's not like she's doing anything wrong, and we don't want to make her feel guilty for moving about in her own home.

I have panic attacks sometimes, and I know I don't scream but I do cry. If someone hears me, I have to pay a fine now, do I?

I hate noise of other people, but I know some noises cannot be helped, so even I think this "new law" is ridiculous. I suppose it's all right for Theresa May to think up this genius rule - she's a rich Tory, so she's probably living in a big detached house and can make as much noise as she wants.

I am really wound up now.



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29 May 2019, 6:03 pm

Truthfully, except in extreme cases, I don't believe this will be enforced too much.

Anyway....this "noise" has to occur on a consistent basis-----meaning that it has to go on for hours. It has to be "persistent." One bout of crying isn't going to get you into trouble.

I wouldn't worry about it too much.

If you, say, throw furniture for hours, and scream for hours, then the law might apply.

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29 May 2019, 6:45 pm

I am really not happy with things in Britain at the moment. What is the most obvious thing to do if someone is consistantly crying? The person needs help. Yes with autism it could be a meltdown... but as well it could be that someone is having a mental breakdown.
We in the UK seem to be threatening and fining the most vunerable in society for the failure of our own government to help the people in need. Shall we fine our primeminister and our MP's because they didn't manage to carry out Brexit? Es. Lets do that shall we?

Sorry. Just having a moan.


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29 May 2019, 7:09 pm

I wish I could cry. Its such a nice release. I cant cry because Im on antipsychotics. In should be careful what I wish for because someday something terrible might happen that makes me cry. Im sorry for what you are going through. It must suck.


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29 May 2019, 7:26 pm

arguing as well ?

That's it , I'm going under , I won't be able to keep up with all the fines :(

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29 May 2019, 7:38 pm

Joe90 wrote:

Is this a f*****g joke????

So now everybody's got to tiptoe around in their own homes now? .

I don't see how they can enforce a law like that.

Around here, we've got 2 traditions for apartments:
- wear slippers or sneakers inside
- quiet time is 10pm-7am

I'm unnerved by how many people are wearing hard shoes in their apartment.

Some people don't know they are audible. I once said to my neighbour, "Oh, your son is bigger than I thought. Yesterday when you told him to get back in his crib ..." (which I heard through my ceiling) - her eyes got enormous and soon she moved.


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29 May 2019, 8:00 pm

Claradoon wrote:
Joe90 wrote:

Is this a f*****g joke????

So now everybody's got to tiptoe around in their own homes now? .

I don't see how they can enforce a law like that.

Around here, we've got 2 traditions for apartments:
- wear slippers or sneakers inside
- quiet time is 10pm-7am

I'm unnerved by how many people are wearing hard shoes in their apartment.

Some people don't know they are audible. I once said to my neighbour, "Oh, your son is bigger than I thought. Yesterday when you told him to get back in his crib ..." (which I heard through my ceiling) - her eyes got enormous and soon she moved.

The law comes under the 2014 Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act so I believe it is enforceable but very unlikely to be used unless in serious cases.

My next door neighbour got it into his head that I was interfering with his TV channel reception , owned all the cars in the street and was on good terms with all the police. He would constantly bang on the walls , shouting abuse and asking when we we moving. The police were called , nothing came of it. One day he called my GF a c**t and I told him to watch his mouth , he attacked me , tried to strangle me and we ended up in the middle of the road - a plain clothed police officer saw the event and after a lot of explaining still did nothing about the neighbours behaviour.
About a month after that I heard a commotion outside so I went out to look and was met my a policeman in full riot gear staring down the barrel of his MP5 at me 8O He told me to go inside which I did. A day later I found out that the neighbour had tried to stab another neighbour. The neighbour was locked up and never returned but this went on for over year with the police not taking it seriously - I hardly think crying is going to get them to pull their finger out :lol:

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30 May 2019, 12:20 pm

It's just typical tabloid newspaper scare-mongering. The devil is in the little detail of the words "reasonable" and "unreasonable" - which are found in a huge number of our laws and torts. Who does or doesn't get prosecuted or found guilty will come down to the first few test cases involving any particular example, which will then set the precedents used when the law is invoked in the future. There might be a couple of cases where the cause of the noise is something outrageous, and no doubt the press will make a huge circus of it if that happens; but it's unlikely that the courts would find such cases "unreasonable", after which, further prosecutions in similar circumstances would be unlikely. This is exactly how English law is supposed to work; Parliament paints with a broad brush, and the legal system fills in the details with case law.

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30 May 2019, 3:43 pm

seriously - I hardly think crying is going to get them to pull their finger out :lol:

Ha - I don't know, the UK has some pretty weird rules. Some big incidents slip through the cracks, while silly petty things get the attention. This is where living in the UK is frightening. It's like when there is visible evidence of a child being abused, social services seem to miss it even though it is obvious (child is covered in bruises and looks frightened and unhappy), while a child with decent, normal, stable, loving parents has a fall and cuts their leg, and social services are on to the parents like a ton of bricks, and they take the child away while they're investigating.

That is the UK for you. The law seems to be afraid of real crimes, so they focus on the petty things.



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30 May 2019, 9:08 pm

I think this is based on genuine disturbers of the peace who get routine visits from the police.

A guy I know lives in low rent apartment building and there's a person next to him who makes so much noise it sounds like a bunch of children running around jumping off the furniture and throwing things and it goes on for hours. And when that's not happening the person is ranting at the top of their lungs for hours and there's several tenants who can't get any rest or sleep because of it.

The police have paid several visits. And apparently because of the legal system the police can't really do anything about it and the landlord can't evict her. Now if she got a fine for every time the police had to show up that might do the trick.