breaks0 wrote:
I live in a smelly old man's studio apartment, if you know how big that is. The bathroom is disgusting since the toilet, floor and walls are never cleaned so there's mold, dust, hair, etc. everywhere. The kitchenette sink is also never cleaned so it's also nasty. The closet is stuffed w/some of my stuff, but mostly his. And the rest of the apartment he basically uses as a storage room for the books he won't stop buying (alot of which he doesn't really need) and his newspapers. He even fills tote bags w/them and leaves them on the floor and it's gotten so bad, his bed is covered in books and newspapers. All of this b/c he's a hoarder and almost never takes the old s**t out, so there's barely anywhere to walk. I sleep on the floor too. Anyway, fortunately I can go out in the afternoons and evenings to the local university library, since I can't use the desk there either b/c you know what's covered all of it. If I didn't have access to the library, I'd probably jump off a cliff or something drastic like that.
I would probably go on a cleaning frenzy if I lived in a place like that.