EDIT: Removed quotes except one because I am feeling sick from negativity.
serpentari wrote:
when half the threads in haven are opened by 1 same person and all about a couple of same issues that had been mulled over a thousand times, sympathy runs out. i will be awfully rude here, i dont care if u get a relationship or not, markniss. the world doesnt OWE u a partner. nor do we OWE u a reply u'd like. i personally gave u enough, before i realised u never are satisfied or seem to remember what was written for u before. i havent seen ONCE that u'd give moral support to anybody ever. maybe that is the issue? try being less of a sink, maybe then ur life feels different. and no, that is NOT saying i hate u. it says i dont have energy for u. gd out.
I've expressed moral support for Sarahsmith, Summer_Twilight, Zeromancer, kraftiekortie, BeaArthur, and a few others.
Last edited by Marknis on 27 Jan 2019, 3:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.