As we are short-staffed at work for a few weeks, I am doing overtime. The job is not stressful, and I can do with the extra money, so I don't mind doing the overtime. But since I've started this new temporary shift, I have been having difficulty getting to sleep at night.
I'm on my second week now, and last week was a nightmare trying to get to sleep each night (no pun intended).
I am starting at 3.30 in the afternoon and finishing at 10.30 at night, for 5 days a week. I'd have thought this would make me more rested and sleepy at night, being so my job is a very physical job, but it seems to be making me very insomnic.
The problem is it causing is I am only tired in the morning and I finally get some sleep, then wake up at midday and have lunch. But then I'm too tired to motivate myself to do anything, so I am neglecting my housework and my hair until the weekend. I can't even focus on writing or reading during the day when I'm not sleeping at night.
I like doing these hours, but I don't think these hours like me. I work evenings anyway when not doing overtime and I sleep OK then, so I don't see how adding on a few extra hours in the afternoon a day can make me more wakeful at night. Normally the more physical tasks I do during the day, the more tired I am at night.
I do try to relax before going to bed. I soak in the bath, read a magazine or do some other calming activity. I don't drink energy drinks, although I do drink coke but caffeine doesn't affect me, as before I have often had a tin of coke an hour before going to bed and I sleep soundly all through the night.
The only time I have slept well since doing the new shift was when I had a travel sickness pill that is also a sedative. The next morning I was up and motivated to do things, and I did sleep OK the following night but then my sleeplessness started to come back. Unfortunately I cannot take a sedative every night, as much as I wish I could.
Is there are other home remedies or tips to help me relax at night after work? I hate being sleepless at night, but I don't want to get up and start doing housework in the night because I live in an apartment and it can be quite selfish.