IsabellaLinton wrote:
It sounds like he's tired and burnt out from work, wanting to lounge in his pyjamas, be lazy and not be accountable for his time. I would be the same if I only had nine days off work. Maybe he just wants some quiet downtime without having to explain or talk or be questioned about his ennui. When I'm in burnout mode or when I used to have work holidays I just wanted to be alone in a silent house to do my own thing. I wouldn't want anyone questioning me if I didn't feel like getting dressed that day. That's how I decompress. Perhaps his preferences are changing as he gets older and more tired from work. Try not to take it personally, or to worry too much.
My boyfriend recently used some vacation days to take a 9 day long weekend, but I mean he told me initially he wanted to spend some time on WOW classic, so I expected he'd be spending a bunch of time on that. It would have been odd if he had just been mopey and playing on the game while neglecting hygiene and acting depressed. But he told me that is what he wanted to do, still took showers and we enjoyed having a bit more time together.
I mean I suppose what I don't get is my boyfriend just tells me he told me he was taking a long weekend to spend some more time on WOW classic, so I expected he'd spend a bunch of time on that. I suppose I'd figure he'd tell me if he wanted a day to himself...which would be fine with me, I could go visit my mom or siblings or something. So IDK seems like we have gotten to a point where we wont really offend each other if we felt the need for some time apart.
But back to the topic if ones boyfriend just want to lounge around on a long break, I don't get why they wouldn't be able to just say that. I mean it is perfectly reasonable someone who works longer hours and such might want to enjoy some time in the home they are paying for.
We won't go back.