My boredom is bothering me
Right now, I'm working about 24 hours a week. I'm at home a lot with my netflix, hulu and my laptop. That kind of life takes a toll on you. I've always had a sweet tooth, but recently that seems to be amplified. I have this one friend I hang out with on an occasion but he's really the only friend I have. A lot of the times I go out of the house these days are with my dad or my mom picks me up. Tonight for instance, my mom picked me up and her, my sister and I went out to eat. Then my mom dropped me off at home and now I'm back to boredom, and it's just me here because my dad's out of town.
I wish I had more friends. I wish I had a girlfriend. I wish my life was more eventful. My life's like how it's been for several years, minus going to school.
Early 20s male with Asperger’s and what feels like a mood disorder
Too much excitement is like , adrenal fatigue
Too much boredom is like, obsessive compulsive disorder
Different people find different things interesting
Not everything has to be interesting
There are many things that are much worse than boredom
Lately my "life" has been boring
And I am boring
But getting hit by a car, fired, expelled, evicted, raped, are exciting
So boredom is not such a bad thing
Not everything has to be interesting.
There are many things that are much worse than boredom.
Getting hit by a car, fired, expelled, evicted, raped, are exciting.
There is a pretty good chance that your life will include some less boring passages. I regret my crystal ball doesn't seem to be working properly just now. So I can't tell you what those things may be, nor when they may come along. But if my 19-year-old self could have seen what lay in his future, between, say, 1992 and 1996, let alone what ensued after then, he would flat-down have refused to believe it (or he would have had a spontaneous orgasm and died from acute cardiac arrest with an amazed grin on his face, and a big damp patch on his Y-Fronts).
I'll make you one guaranteed copper-bottomed authentic prediction: The future is liable to be unpredictable.
So I know this is easier said than done, but try to live and breathe as calmly and serenely as possible through the boring bits, and the more content you appear to others, the more impressed by you they'll be, and the more likely they are to come and drag you from your boredom to some more exciting place. That is not repeat NOT a guarantee; merely a frank statement of probability, based not least on personal lived experience.
You can't be proud of being Neurodivergent, because it isn't something you've done: you can only be proud of not being ashamed. (paraphrasing Quentin Crisp)