How much weight do you want to lose? What kinds of unhealthy things do you typically eat and drink, and how frequently do you have them?
Currently, the calories you're consuming vs the calories you're burning has resulted in the amount of fat you have on your body. The reality is you're going to have to change something if you want to lose weight, whether that be eating smaller portions, abstaining from or having less unhealthy foods or drinks, or doing more exercise, to burn more calories and/or consume less calories. What's more is you're going to have to maintain whatever change you implement, at least to some degree, after you've lost the weight to ensure that you don't gain it back.
It seems to be the prevailing opinion, and it's certainly my experience that diet is significantly more important for weight loss than exercise, so it's probably the best place to start.
You say you don't have the willpower to diet, but I don't believe that to be necessarily true. I'd say the only people who can't have the willpower to diet are those that enjoy indulging in unhealthy foods, and who don't care about what their waistline looks like. I think to successfully "diet", you need to adopt an appropriate mindset and approach. Different things work for different people, but what really helped me in terms of perspective was when I started looking at the foods I'm eating and drinking as bad habits, and knowing that once you change your habits and adapt to new habits, you're working from a new normal. Especially when you start seeing the results you want, there is little appeal in going back to old habits. What's also very important to me in my weight loss endeavour is setting clear boundaries about when I can and can't have unhealthy stuff, and how much I can have, because if I rely on just how I feel in the moment to make these decisions, I'm going to make poor decisions almost every time.
Earlier this year, I tried a couple of different things to decrease or eliminate my intake of unhealthy foods, and none of them stuck for more than two or three weeks, so I was getting nowhere. It's only when I implemented a particular approach that I started getting any traction, and now I've lost 18kg since the first of July. Had I not found an approach that worked for me, I likely wouldn't have lost the weight that I've lost so far.
There are many different approaches you can take to your diet to lose weight. For me it's been cutting out almost all junk food and unhealthy stuff except for having them a few times a year (for now anyway), but other people try things like keto. Others still just cut their meal portions, and many give themselves a daily calorie allowance, and count their calories to ensure they don't go over it.
Ultimately, you'll have to choose between remaining at your current weight, or making changes that will get you to the weight you want to be.
Good luck.