Don't judge me world
I live in a rooming house with shared kitchens and bathrooms. The people here dont keep the place very well. The kitchen is pretty gross. Its hard for me to cook. Especially when people steal my food from the fridge. I end up living on cheese and crackers most days. Someone on here said I could get a rent subsidy so if I want to get my own place I dont have to pay so much for rent. I dont think they can subsidize a power bill or internet bill though. So Im still scared to move because I dont want to pay bills. I cant work to support myself the way I am. It is kind of embarrassing to live where I am because it is a little dirty. I feel if I ever get involved with anyone they would kind of judge me.
I know others in town who live in low income buildings that dont have internet. Even though you can get it for cheap they still need that money. I dont know how Id survive without internet. Havent been eating well because of my situation. Any suggestions?
I have a suggestion ..... maybe take a look at Mrs Hinch on Instagram and you might just develop the cleaning bug, like millions of others have .... there are cheap cleaning products out there, even homemade ones that work. Maybe challenge yourself to start "Ciffing" the cupboard surfaces, using a cheap mop and bucket, some flash or other floor wash product, and mop your floors/vaccuum once a week minimum, you might discover it makes you feel good, and gives the place a lift. Then, as time goes on, you might start making a list of visions you have to spruce up other areas of the house. eg repurpose some old clothes/bright fabric, and make your own cushion covers for your sofa(or find some second hand)... where there's a will, there's a way ... you'd be surprised how a few simple changes can spruce a place up.
I think it is the common areas that are dirtied up by others in Sarah's rooming house that is the problem. Correct me if I am wrong.
Sarah, I hope you can get out on your own. Some places have help with electric bills. Do you know how much electric would be in a low income housing apartment? I know it sucks to go out, but many businesses have free internet, from Burger King to libraries. I regularly use both types of places when I am on the road.
The river is the melody
And sky is the refrain - Gordon Lightfoot
If people don't clean up after themselves, is it possible for you to complain about them to someone? Some kind of managment? I mean, certainly there are some sort of rules about hygiene and responsibility there, right? Same with the stealing, have you made any complaints? Could you get some kind of locked container where to keep your food that's in the fridge?
Why exactly do you not want to pay bills? Is it because you want to use the money for nice things and can't handle the idea of being forced to buy less of those because of the money that goes to necessary stuff or simply because the idea of handling big sums of money is stressing for you because you fear you'll make a mistake or don't budget properly?
If the problem is the former then, well, you're right about being bad at facing reality. If you want to be independent, you just have to accept that you need to pay for the necessary stuff, otherwise you won't get them. If it's the later, that one has some solutions. You could look for someone who'll help you pay the bills, as in the actual paying process with your money, through internet or in a bank or however people tend to handle bills where you're from. Finding yourself a legal guardian might be possible, too. I don't know the details of how those things work where you're from, but I think that it could be possible for you to live away from them while they would handle your bills (rent, electricy etc.) from your disability or whatever form of income you have so that you wouldn't have to worry about the paying process or having enough money left to pay them. In a case like that, they would give you the money that's left over from those necessary bills for food and fun, perhaps once a week instead of once a month if you can't budget and fear wasting it all before the end of the month. They could also hold some of your money aside for unexpected medical fees or something like that if you don't believe you'd be able to save money on your own.
I didn’t know there was such a thing as someone handling money for you. The thought kind of scares me to be honest. I do not know what a legal guardian is. I shall look more into these things.
This place has corrupted me. I’m so used to getting power, internet and laundry free. I’m spoiled now. There was a big affordable apartment with power included a while back. I didn’t take it because I had mental problems at the time. My 82 year old friend says the landlord is mean to people there and kicks them out for stupid things. I don’t know if that’s true. I’d like to find out for myself. Maybe ask someone that lives there? I would feel stupid knocking on their door to ask them. I never see anyone outside there but then again I am hardly ever on that part of town...
Shortfatbalduglyman, I eat at soup kitchens. The one I go to during the day gives an extremely small serving of food. The one at night is only on Wednesday’s but at least they give more food. I suppose I could get a free meal when I get my medication at the hospital once every three weeks. But I would have to wait around for 2 hours to get it. I haven’t been using the food bank. Maybe I should start.
No but seriously, I wish I didn't have to pay bills if I had my own place. I guess I'm not good at facing reality.

Are you in the US?
SSI checks are running about $750/month. I have clients in one bedroom apartments for about $100/month. The electric runs higher than you quoted, more like $75/month. If one has access to a low rent apartment, it is quite possible to live by one's self and have money for internet access and beer.
If you have serious trouble paying bills (rent, light bill, etc), you can get a representative payee for your check who makes sure all your bills are paid and you get the rest to spend as you like. There is a fee with this service, I think about $35/month. For $35/month, you might consider it worth while to learn how to pay your bills and/or bite the bullet and face reality.
Unless you are much more disabled than you appear on this forum, I don't recommend a guardian.
The river is the melody
And sky is the refrain - Gordon Lightfoot
She's not from the US.
I get $75 a month electric bills in the summer---when I have the air-conditioning on all the time.
Otherwise, it's about $40-50 a month in a small, two-bedroom apartment.
When I had a studio 10 years ago, I paid in the $20s and $30s.
As far as rents go, $600 a month is a pretty good value for just one room in NYC. One room in a house, that is. I don't mean a studio apartment.
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