Along with not being able to go underwater or drink alcohol, I now can't ride fast rollercoasters any more. I'm one, big sensory wreck.
I love theme parks and I love rollercoasters - the really fast, high ones that go upside down. Pure pleasure for me as a fun day out. But last month when I went to a theme park, I felt unwell, and it wasn't motion sickness (because I came prepared for that), it was intense drowsiness from fast rides.
As I was being tipped upside down and whipping along at over 80mph, I couldn't get my breath because of the G-force, and when I came off each ride I felt all light-headed, disoriented, shaky and extremely tired. It was a horrible feeling, and I had to keep sitting down until I regained balance.
The thing is, the others who I was with (1 Aspie and 2 NTs) didn't get affected like this. Why was I the only one being oxygen-starved on the rides while the others weren't? Do I have a different respiratory system or something? I don't suffer from asthma or any other physical health conditions like that, and like the others I had eaten a light meal beforehand so I wasn't hungry or dehydrated.
How does G-force affect some people badly and not others? I physically felt like I was going to pass out on the rides. I have never passed out or had any sort of seizure in my life so it's nothing to do with that.