Karamazov wrote:
I know that here in the UK if a petition to parliament meets a certain number of signatures, then they are required to debate it.
Of course “Parliament debates” does not mean “government acts”.
They are however not required to even so much as formally notice petitions that fail to meet the minimum required number of signatures, nor petitions to any body other than parliament, including state institutions: so a petition to the health minister, for example, would not be debated because it has the wrong addressee.
Same here in Finland. The needed number of signatures is 50 000 within half a year. Sometimes they bring results, sometimes not. Most fail simply because not enough people sign them.
Oh okay. Well the last petition I was asked to sign was for China to shut down it's wet markets, so there are no more virus outbreaks, but would China even bother to do that, even if it's signed a lot, and has been properly filed?
If some random citizens from another country pressure it to do so? No way. However, if many citizens in many countries signed those, the governments in those countries would be pressured to pressure China in to doing something.