May have found an apartment....sort of. It's in the basement of a woman's house. She has a 15 year old daughter and 2 cats. The cat part isn't a problem because I love cats. But the thing is I would have to use the woman's kitchen and washer and dryer. The downstairs where I would live has no lock on the door, so there's that. I would have to come upstairs into their living space to make food every day and do laundry once a week, in their part of the house. The woman asked how long I would be staying there. Which kind of threw me off. Does she intend to be renting out to people going to college or something? The woman and her daughter looked like totally different people than me, and I didn't feel like I clicked with them at all....but at least I got positive vibes from them....sort of, but felt judged kind of because I don't work. So anyway I don't know, it looks so much nicer than the dirty old rooming house I'm in now for men, but it would be so weird basically living in a woman's house who I am probably not going to be friends with, life really sucks right now because the government won't give people with disability enough to live in an actual apartment. I haven't filled out the application yet to move into the woman's house....not sure if I want to but my mom thinks I should live there. Mom has way better social skills than me though, because she doesn't have autism. I have a hard time talking to people.