Jiheisho wrote:
I would put this into historical perspective. There have been far worse times in US and world history. Yes, it is not great (there are real problems), but neither is this exceptional.
Also, stop watching the daily news. I don't mean it is fake news or things like that, but the news distorts our view of current events by emphasizing the exceptional events. If you want news, then find a place that give straightforward reporting and weather. As far as the protest, most are peaceful:
Report states 93% of protesters are peaceful.
And refocus on things that bring you some happiness. Gardening or ping pong. The less you engage with the noise, the less it will affect you. Your son will also relax if you can do the same. You are probably fueling his anxiety.
This!! !!
For the most part, most people do not have much to worry about. I also agree to stop watching and reading the news. The news has one objective - views. They absolutely do distort information and over emphasize certain parts while under emphasizing other parts.
Protesters are not going to come to your house and physically assault you. They are not going to burn down your home. Yes, I am stressed about the upcoming election - but whatever happens will happen. If I go into November already on a stress/anxiety level 100 then anything that does happen will pretty much incapacitate me. However, if I work to maintain a healthy mental state and then something bad happens in November - I am much better prepared to handle it.
The best thing to do is to keep living your normal everyday lives - for all of us. And to keep setting goals and working towards accomplishing them. If you are striving for productive measures then you will naturally focus less on anxiety ridden issues.