I've enjoyed reading since childhood. When I was little, I found a lot of books and I was fascinated by them. Books provided a welcome respite from the bullying I experienced at school.
As I've gotten older, it's become harder and harder to find books to read. Books for women my age are all about neurotypical women. Women with careers, marriages, and children. There are lots of books for women of different ethnicities and religions, as well.
I've read books written for women with ASD, and I even contributed some of my own stories to a book about growing up female on the spectrum.
But now, I feel as if there is nothing left for me to relate to. Nothing interests me anymore. I'm on antidepressants, I've been on them for years. My education has gotten me nowhere. People use me and then throw me away because I'm just a little too honest sometimes.
It's a living hell. It never gets easier.